confrence hypostèses, podcast histoire de l'art

Season 2024-2025

The Hypothèses team is ready and delighted to finally announce our program for the 2024-2025 season of conferences. Throughout this academic year, from September to March, we will hold six sessions showcasing the research of thirteen graduate students in art history from four Montreal universities. Chaque session sera modérée par un.e professeur.e en histoire de l’art qui animera les échanges entre les conférencier.e.s et le public.

We seek to bridge diverse research thematics and create extended conversations between emerging researchers in Montreal.

La programmation

Session 1.Interroger l’expérience cinématographique : empathetic spectatorship and collaborative montage

Wednesday, September 25th at 5:30

Session 2. Looking Back to Revise: Borduas et Zeid à la lumière de nouvelles historiographies

Wednesday, October 30th at 5:30

Session 3. Collective imaginaries: protestation, participation, et politique du sensible

Wednesday, November 27th at 5:30

Session 4 : Mises en scène : women’s self-representation and embodiment in portraiture and costumes

Wednesday, January 22th at 5:30

Session 5. Confronting archetypes: enjeux de genre et androgynéité dans la culture imprimée de la fin du XIXème siècle

Wednesday, February 19th at 5:30

Session 6. Territoires mémoriels : Movement, Longing, and Auto-Ethnography

Wednesday, January 22th at 5:30