Depuis 2019, Hypothèses propose une série de baladodiffusion bilingue intitulée [Annexes], contribuant à la formation d’une communauté étudiante entre les quatre universités montréalaises.
Each episode offers a discussion space between Master’s and PhD students in art history and museum studies. Conversations relate to the subjects and methodologies structuring their theses and dissertations, their choices and background, the status of academics and professionals in the field, and the social and political issues challenging research in the arts.
Hypothèses remercie le Centre PHI pour ce précieux partenariat. Plusieurs épisodes de la saison 3 et l’ensemble de la saison 4 sont enregistrés au Studio de Son du Centre PHI.

Pascale Tremblay hosted and edited the episodes from the first three seasons. Her involvement and generosity have carried [Annexes] for several years.